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  1. queueList: Returns a table containing all players currently in the queue and their information. This export has no parameters.
local queue = exports['n4_queue']

RegisterCommand('list', function()
local playersInQueue = queue:queueList()
for i=1, #playersInQueue do
print(json.encode(playersInQueue[i], {indent = true}))
  1. queueSize: Returns a number that represents the current amount of players in the queue. This export has no parameters.
Example Usage: Lua
local queue = exports['n4_queue']

RegisterCommand('size', function()
local queueCount = queue:queueSize()
print('There are '..queueCount..' players waiting in the queue.')
  1. connectingList: Returns a table containing all players currently in the 'connecting' stage of the queue. This is the phase where they are no longer in the queue, but they are not on the loading screen yet, most likely downloading server content. This export has no parameters.
Example Usage: Lua
local queue = exports['n4_queue']

RegisterCommand('list', function()
local playersConnecting = queue:connectingList()
for k in pairs(playersConnecting) do
  1. connectingSize: Returns a number that represents the current amount of players in the 'connecting' stage of the queue. This is the phase where they are no longer in the queue, but they are not on the loading screen yet, most likely downloading server content. This export has no parameters.
Example Usage: Lua
local queue = exports['n4_queue']

RegisterCommand('size', function()
local connectingCount = queue:connectingSize()
print('There are '..connectingCount..' players connecting to the server.')
  1. addPrio: Adds and stores a specified amount of priority points for a specified identifier in the "queue" database table.
This export has 3 parameters:

Identifier: The identifier of the player you would like to add priority for. The data type of this parameter must be a string. This can be any valid FiveM identifier (fivem, license, discord, xbl, live, steam, ip, license2). It must contain the identifier prefix.

Points: The amount of priority points you would like to give to this specific identifier. The data type of this parameter must be a number and it must be above 0.

Category: This parameter is optional, and is simply used to display extra information about that specific row of priority or to easily organize the row through a named category of your choice. The data type of this parameter can be anything on input, but it will be converted to a string.

Example Usage: Lua
local queue = exports['n4_queue']

RegisterCommand('addprio', function()
--Example 1
local insertId = queue:addPrio('discord:1234567890', 5000)
print('Prio added with insert id - '..insertId)

--Example 2
local insertId = queue:addPrio('discord:1234567890', 2500, 'admin')
print('Prio added with insert id - '..insertId..' for the admin category.')
  1. removePrio: Permanently removes/deletes a specified row of player priority from the "queue" database table.
This export has 1 parameter:

ID: The "id" column of the specific row of priority you would like to delete inside of the "queue" table in the database. The data type of this parameter must be a number.

Example Usage: Lua
local queue = exports['n4_queue']

RegisterCommand('delprio', function(source, args, rawCommand)
local id = tonumber(args[1])
local result = queue:removePrio(id)
if result.affectedRows > 0 then
print('Deleted prio with id '
print('A row of prio with id '' was not found.')
  1. getPrio: Allows you to retrieve a table containing all available rows of priority belonging to a specific player ID. Each row contains a label and amount of points.
This export has 1 parameter:

Player ID: The ID (number or string) of a player currently in the server.

Example Usage: Lua
local queue = exports['n4_queue']

RegisterCommand('checkprio', function(source, args, rawCommand)
local id = tonumber(args[1])
local prioList = queue:getPrio(id)
for i=1, #prioList do
print(prioList[i].label, prioList[i].points)
  1. playerConnecting: Allows you to manually start the queue connection process instead of automatically through your own 'playerConnecting' event.
This export has 3 parameters:

It is recommended that you use the default 3 parameters provided by the 'playerConnecting' event: name, deferrals, and setKickReason.

name: 1st parameter from the 'playerConnecting' event. The name of the player connecting (string).

setKickReason: 2nd parameter from the 'playerConnecting' event (function).

deferrals: 3rd parameter from the 'playerConnecting' event (table).

Example Usage: Lua
local queue = exports['n4_queue']

local function OnPlayerConnecting(name, setKickReason, deferrals)
local player = source
local steamIdentifier
local identifiers = GetPlayerIdentifiers(player)

for _, v in pairs(identifiers) do
if string.find(v, "steam") then
steamIdentifier = v

if not steamIdentifier then
setKickReason("You are not connected to Steam.")
queue:playerConnecting(name, setKickReason, deferrals)

AddEventHandler("playerConnecting", OnPlayerConnecting)